Friday, August 17, 2012

Strawberries -- The Multipiler

Yesterday, Jerry and I worked in the garden. While Jerry did some tilling and hoeing, I worked on the strawberry plants, planted last April. Grass had taken over the plants and in between the walkways. But I found lots of new strawberry plants that had rooted from the original plant runners. These runners grow from an original plant, shoot out and amazingly, root then develop roots and leaves just like the mama and papa strawberry plants.

As seen above, a new plant grown from a runner, luckily kept in the row and didn't need to be transplanted. Most present day strawberries were first cultivated in Brittany, France by Amedee-Francois Frezier in 1714, as he used two plants,"Fragaria Virginiana", from Eastern North America and "Fragaria Chiloensis" from Chile to develop one of today's largest and sweetest strawberry varieties. 

The strawberry plants above are from the runners of six original strawberry plants we planted this past spring. I have already given twenty or so to my niece, and what's left should give us a full row when planted in the garden.

Strawberries should be planted in spring and late summer. In our climate, I think September is fine. This plant likes full sun or dappled sun and shade, also plant in loam, mixed with sandy soil. Although, strawberry plants multiply easily, removing runners will place energy into the fruit when bearing and may be needed, if you have a hard time bearing fruit. Don't forget to fertilize and water .

This fruit is cultivated all over the world and regardless of age is a favorite fruit that only has 45 calories per cup, plus an excellent source of vitamin C, flavonoids and is used in numerous drink, jellies, jams and dessert recipes, plus more.

I've never been great in math, but it appears strawberries have got me beat when it comes to multiplying.

Until next time......

Happy Gardening 2012!

Posted by Wilma Smith

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