Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ahh!! -- Spring is in the Air

I'm certainly no groundhog, so I look to see what plants are doing in my yard to predict the arrival of spring every year. And as seen from the photos on today's blog, looks like spring is "springing" right on time, as my calender shows "Spring Begins" on March 20th. Above the Forsythia or Yellow Bells have been smiling for a couple of weeks. It's best not to trim this bush until the leaves replace in blooms.

The False Pear in my yard is blooming which is a good sign, spring is in the air (my tree needs some serious trimming).

Blueberries are starting to bloom, so it's a good time to fertilize and mulch.

Buds on trees and leaves unfolding confirm the season. Cut back any unwanted brush and limbs now for easier disposal.

Of course daffodils and jonquils are an early sign of spring. They can withstand cold snaps, even snow without damage and maintain their blooms until cool weather turns warmer.

When your grass starts to green (mine begins to green in patches, bermuda), I know it won't be long until the ground starts to warm and everything greens.
I also listen and watch the birds in my yard, I usually have a pair of mating Canadian Geese who honk loudly about their love for each other and the season. Some how the songs of other birds just seem their saying, "Ahh!!-- Spring is here!"

Until next time........
Happy Gardening 2013!
Posted by Wilma Smith

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your post. I have been seeing lots of birds flying around and singing in my yard lately, I love to hear them. Spring is surely coming.
